Holiday Cabernet 3: A Call for Performers

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Ghostlight Ensemble invites poets, dancers, artists, storytellers, comedians and musicians to perform at our third annual Holiday Cabernet fundraiser on December 12. We welcome performers of diverse skills and talents at this virtual event.

Filmed performances should be 5-10 minutes in length and themed to any of the winter holidays. Show off your talents in spoken word, slam poetry, improv, dancing, comedy, music or any medium of your choice. The Cabernet is an excellent opportunity to try out new material in front of a friendly, supportive audience.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Cabernet will take place virtually. Acts will be pre-recorded, but the event will feature a live emcee to introduce the pieces.

Please submit acts, along with an artistic bio and statement (if applicable), to Jean at Deadline for submissions is November 9

Proceeds from the event will be divided evenly between performers and Ghostlight Ensemble.

The event takes place on Saturday, December 12.

Read about our past Cabernets here and here.