year in review

Thank you for a great welcome in 2016 (There's more to come in 2017)

As we approach the end of our inaugural half season, we want to thank you for welcoming us into your theatre hearts. We are so grateful for, and humbled by, the hundreds who came out to our launch party, table reads, Fight Night performance, Krampus! and the myriad of other events at which our Ensemble members and guest artists performed.

We tried to have fun in 2016, despite the difficult times for our community and country. Theatre can be a much-needed escape for a hurting people; it can be a light in dark places. But light also brings self-examination, and in 2017 we have some sober, contemplative work planned as well.

Our inaugural half season continues in the new year with Luigi Pirandello’s Six Characters in Search of an Author, in which six characters come looking for life and find the theatre world acutely unable to make them real. As a partner to this production, Ghostlight will also present Six Authors in Search of a Character, a short play festival in which six authors pen 10-minute plays around the “missing” character in The Mountain Giants, Pirandello’s final, unfinished play.

But it won't all be serious business, we have a bonus, one-night event in the works for February full of platform sneakers, animal prints and Girl Power. Check your inboxes in early 2017 for more on that.

We hope you'll continue to support us, not just in 2017, but in all the years to come. You can do this by helping spread the word about Ghostlight and our productions, by dragging your friends out of their seasonal affective disorder pillow forts to see a show, by shopping on Amazon, heck, you can even do it by wearing a T-shirt. Or, if you find yourself at the year's end with a few extra dollars in your pocket, your tax-deductible donation to Ghostlight Ensemble is always welcome.

Help us shed light on the human experience and provoke communal connections beyond the edge of the stage. We're going to need all the light and community we can muster in the coming year.

May 2017 bring you health, wealth, happiness and wisdom!

—  Chad, Holly, Jaclyn, Jean, Keith, Lisa, Maria, Michael, Mike, & Miona